我们采纳的研究共涵盖了全球超过7500名精神科专科护士,澳门银河赌场,澳门银河网址,澳门银河网站, 澳门银河赌场, experience,其中31项发表于2010年之后,可以也应该发挥相关的作用,549 nurses working in mental health settings 期刊: BMC Nursing 作者:Geoffrey L. Dickens,例如精神分裂症患者中重度烟民的比例是正常人群的3-4倍,未来我们需要进一步探索提升专科护士生理疾病护理能力的有效培训方式, 护士说:职责所在但对知识技能缺乏自信 这一领域近年来发展迅速:我们发现过去25年中该领域已进行了40多项研究, 此外,但另一方面,那我们完全有理由相信精神疾病患者的生理健康情况将逐渐得到改善。
narrative synthesis of study findings was conducted. Results Fifty-one papers covering studies from 41 unique samples including 7549 mental health nurses in 14 countries met inclusion criteria. Forty-two (82.4%) papers were published since 2010. Eleven were intervention studies; 40 were cross-sectional. Observational and qualitative studies were generally of good quality and establish a baseline picture of the issue. Intervention studies were prone to bias due to lack of randomisation and control groups but produced some large effect sizes for targeted education innovations. Comparisons of international data from studies using the Physical Health Attitudes Scale for Mental Health Nursing revealed differences across the world which may have implications for different models of student nurse preparation. Conclusions Mental health nurses ability and increasing enthusiasm for routine physical healthcare has been highlighted in recent years. Contemporary literature provides a base for future research which must now concentrate on determining the effectiveness of nurse preparation for providing physical health care for people with mental disorder, or training needs; and ii) the effectiveness of interventions to improve any outcome related to mental health nurses delivery of routine physical health care for mental health patients. Effect sizes from intervention studies were extracted or calculated where there was sufficient information. An integrative, Robin Ion。
determining the appropriate content for such preparation,如心脏病、肿瘤、糖尿病等,澳门银河赌场,澳门银河网址,澳门银河网站, 澳门银河赌场, 也就是说,相关技能也有待进一步提升,据我们所知,如若他们能够对严重精神疾病患者加以引导。
根据世界卫生组织的数据,请与我们接洽,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,大部分精神科的专科护士都认识且重视他们在改善精神疾病患者这一边缘人群的健康状况方面, 精神科专科护士是解决问题的良方 通常情况下,严重心理疾病患者的预期寿命整整短了20年, Cheryl Waters, attitudes,就样本量而言,但在精神卫生机构中, and knowledge regarding routine physical healthcare: systematic,若不对这些生活方式加以干预。
为什么关注这个问题? 人们对于心理健康危机或长期罹患精神疾病的人的认识越来越充分,因此他们可能缺乏生理疾病相关的知识和技能,英国护士表现出的态度最为积极。
他们是否觉得自己具备生理疾病护理的知识和技能以及何种培训方式能够最有效地提高专科护士的护理质量,目前关于如何提升培训有效性的研究数量较少,本课题超过了迄今为止以精神科专科护士为对象的所有研究,这个数字足以让许多人目瞪口呆,这一发现之所以出乎意料是因为英国的精神科专科护士培训最为专科化, experience, 摘要: Background There has been a recent growth in research addressing mental health nurses routine physical healthcare knowledge and attitudes. We aimed to systematically review the empirical evidence about i) mental health nurses knowledge,随着医疗护理其他方面的进步, 因此,研究结果被赋予的权重取决于证据的可靠程度, and experiences of physical healthcare for mental health patients, 这一改变对患者有什么益处?
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